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Simple Strategies For Your Grocery Trip

May 12, 20223 min read

If you don’t come prepared with some simple strategies for grocery shopping it can feel overwhelming and take up a considerable chunk of your time. Not to mention, there is no worse feeling than coming home from the store only to realise that you didn’t buy anything you need. A little organisation helps to make sure you can make the most out of your grocery trips. Here are some strategies to make your next grocery trip stress-free and more efficient.

Make a list. 

If you only take one strategy from this, it should be this one. Making a list is a guaranteed method for buying everything you need and staying on track. No more forgetting what you came for! It also helps if you organise your list into sections of the grocery store, such as fresh produce, meat, dairy, dried goods, and freezer items. This way, you’ll find items on your list more easily when you’re in that specific section, so you won’t have to keep running back and forth. 

Plan your meals for the week. 

You don’t need to have an exact schedule, but you should have a rough idea of what meals you plan to make. That way, you will go to the grocery store knowing what you intend to use each ingredient for. You can save lots of money and prevent food waste because your groceries will no longer sit in your fridge waiting to be eaten. This strategy will also keep you organised so that you don’t have to stress about what meals you’re making for dinner during your busy week. 

Here's my free Meal Planner to help you get started.

Check sale items. 

Looking for discounted items when you’re already at the grocery store can be confusing and time-consuming. The sale stickers might also tempt you to buy things that you don’t need just because they’re on sale. Instead, browse through the sale flyers or online before you go and note down anything that you need. This strategy will help you save money without costing you much time.

Look out for best-before dates and pick the freshest produce possible. 

When you buy fresh food, you won’t have to go to the grocery store as often because your food will last longer in your fridge. This will save you money and frustration because there is nothing worse than unpacking your groceries and noticing that there is already mould forming on your berries.

Don’t walk through the aisles that you don’t need. 

Although it can be fun to scan the entire grocery store every time you go, this takes an incredibly long time and will lead you to buy things you don’t need. Stick to the parameter of the grocery store, which is where they place the healthy whole foods. Try only walking through the aisles if you know you need something there. 

Never shop on an empty stomach. 

Food shopping when you are hungry is a recipe for overspending. It’s best to eat before you go, but sometimes you’re in a rush or stopping at the store on your way home from work. In this case, always pack a snack and keep it in your bag for emergencies. Mixed nuts, granola, protein bars, and apples are ideal snacks because they don’t require any prep time or ice packs.

You might also find it helpful to know what to look for on the nutritional labels. Check out my post on 'How To Read Nutrition Labels & What To Look Out' For for some help.

If heading to the shops to do your grocery shopping is a nightmare, or you find your always buying foods you don't need, don't fit your health goals, and you end up wasting time and money, then start implementing these simple strategies for your grocery trips and see the benefits.

dairyintolerance, evolved nutrition, food intolerance, food labels, food waste, foodintolerance, foodintolerancespecialist, fresh produce, gluten free, glutenintolerance, groceries, grocery, health, make a list, meal planning, naturopath, nutrition, nutritionist, overspending, simple strategies, wasting time, wellness
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Brooke Archer

Clinical Nutritionist and Naturopath

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