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The Importance Of Fibre & 6 Fibre-Rich Foods

January 20, 20223 min read

Fibre-rich foods are an essential part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Fibre is a prebiotic, which means it acts as food for the good bacteria in our gut. These bacteria, known as gut microflora, are critical for every organ system in the body, affecting everything from our immune system to our moods. They need fibre to survive and maintain a large and diverse population, which in turn, keeps us healthy. Fibre also helps keep us full and satisfied, which is beneficial if you always feel hungry after your snacks and meals. Because fibre isn’t digested, it doesn’t contribute to blood sugar levels either. 

According to this 2018 study less than 20% of Australians meet the Suggested Dietary Intake (SDI) of fibre.

Many fruits, veggies, whole grains, seeds, beans, and legumes are high in fibre. Here is a list of six high-fibre foods that you can incorporate into your diet.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are known for their high fibre content. These tiny seeds contain 10 grams of fibre in just two tablespoons. The daily recommended intake for fibre is at least 25 grams, meaning you can get a good portion of this from chia seeds. Make a chia seed pudding for a snack, or sprinkle these seeds on your oats, smoothie, or salad.

You could try my Chocolate & Banana Chia Pudding.


Most beans and legumes are rich in fibre, so you can’t go wrong with any of them. However, lentils are also high in protein, making them the perfect legume to add to dinners or lunches. There are approximately 16 grams of fibre in a cup of cooked lentils. Next time you want to make a nutritious vegetarian meal, swap out the meat for lentils.


Quinoa is a wonderful whole grain— it is high in both fibre and protein. It contains far more nutrients than white rice. For your next meal, try to swap your usual carbohydrate for quinoa. One cup of cooked quinoa contains 5 grams of fibre and 8 grams of protein.


You might not expect berries to be high in fibre, but they contain even more fibre than a medium-sized apple. For example, one cup of raspberries contains almost 8 grams of fibre, which is pretty impressive for these low-calorie fruits. Raspberries are the perfect fibre-rich snack, especially for those who want try to limit their sugar intake.


Need one more reason to obsess over avocado? This popular food is also rich in fibre. An average-sized avocado contains about 13 grams of fibre, which is already half of the recommended daily intake. Avocados are also a source of unsaturated fats, which lower cholesterol levels and are essential for heart health. Add sliced avocado to your salads or make a delicious avocado toast with eggs for breakfast.


Apples have always been a perfect snack choice— they’re easy to grab on the go, contain lots of micronutrients, and they’re rich in fibre. For example, one medium-sized apple contains over 4 grams of fibre. Make sure you don’t peel the skin, as this is where most of the fibre is located.

Make sure to include some of these fibre-rich foods for good gut health that helps with your overall health. 

avocado, chia seeds, dairyintolerance, diverse population, evolved nutrition, fibre, fibre-rich foods, food intolerance, food sensitivity, foodintolerance, foodintolerancespecialist, gluten free, glutenintolerance, good gut bacteria, health, lentils, microflora, naturopath, nutrition, nutritionist, prebiotic, quinoa, raspberries, wellness, womenshealth
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Brooke Archer

Clinical Nutritionist and Naturopath

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